Outside the Lab Public health

Share and Share Alike

| Charlotte Barker

Ebola and Zika have helped normalize data sharing, but there are still many obstacles to overcome.

Outside the Lab Public health

Video: Inside The Translational Scientist

| Charlotte Barker

Want a lightning-fast tour of the latest issue? Take a look at our new video sneak preview.

Tools & Techniques Cancer

Video: Inside The Translational Scientist

| Charlotte Barker

Want a lightning-fast tour of the latest issue? Take a look at our new video sneak preview.

Disease Area Immunology

Image of the Month

| Charlotte Barker

How do birds transmit potentially fatal fungal infection to humans without being infected themselves?

Tools & Techniques Cancer

Immune U-Turn

| Charlotte Barker

“Extraordinary” results from a T-cell therapy trial offer hope to leukemia patients – and to researchers toiling in unfashionable fields.

Tools & Techniques Diagnostics & prognostics

Analyzing Humanity

| Joanna Cummings

As the judges deliberate over this year's winner, we speak with three of the top-placed entrants from the 2015 Humanity in Science Award.

Research Field Infectious diseases

Breaking the Back of Breakbone Fever

| Bruno Guy, Marie-José Quentin-Millet

Developing a dengue vaccine has been like a 20-year game of Snakes and Ladders – but in this game, there are four billion winners, as the prize could help protect half the world’s population.

Research Field Analytical science

Fragment Screening at (Almost) the Speed of Light

| Frank von Delft

The XChem facility offers drug discovery scientists streamlined, highly sensitive fragment screening, by harnessing the power of synchrotron light.

Research Field Analytical science

The Shape of Proteins to Come

| Charlotte Barker

A new technique allows scientists to see conformational changes caused by ligand binding in real time, opening up new screening options for drug discovery.

Tools & Techniques Diagnostics & prognostics

Viruses Face the Ultimate Test

| William Aryitey

Shotgun sequencing is a powerful tool in microbial genomics, but viral genomes have proven tough to crack.

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