Disease Area Cancer

Video: Inside The Translational Scientist

| Charlotte Barker

Want a lightning-fast tour of the latest issue? Take a look at our new video sneak preview.

Tools & Techniques Neuroscience

Shocking New Therapy

| William Aryitey

The road to recovery for victims of stroke can be arduous and involve relearning basic skills and activities.

Disease Area Cardiovascular

Image of the Month

| Charlotte Barker

A partially recellularized human whole-heart cardiac scaffold

Tools & Techniques Omics

Clinical Translation Through Innovation

| Thomas Conrads

Advances in mass spectrometry and separation science are bringing genome-scale proteomic analyses within our reach.

Tools & Techniques Drug delivery

A Rare Delight

| Anthony Quinn

Anthony Quinn shares the story behind the development and approval of sebelipase alfa (Kanuma) – the first and only enzyme replacement therapy for lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (LAL-D).

Tools & Techniques Omics

Disrupting Cytogenetics in the Clinic

| George Vasmatzis

To select the right treatment for each cancer patient, we need fast, accurate and cost-effective ways to characterize tumors. Now, with newly developed algorithms and protocols, mate pair sequencing could well be the tool we’ve been seeking.

Tools & Techniques Drug discovery

A Story of Shared Science and Solutions

| Niclas Nilsson

Pharma companies are notoriously protective of their intellectual property, so it’s a big deal to open up and give knowledge away for free.

Research Field Professional development

Lessons I’ve Learned

| Eric Topol

From being one of the first clinicians to voice doubts over Vioxx, to his latest book calling for a complete transformation of the patient–doctor relationship, Eric Topol has never been afraid to raise his head above the parapet.

Research Field Microbiology

Medicine Meets the Microbiome

| Karim Dabbagh

The moment a baby enters the world – even before its first breath – the tiny body receives a massive infusion of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Outside the Lab Neuroscience

Counting Sleep

| Thomas Mellman

Sitting Down With… Thomas Mellman, Professor and Director, Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Stress/Sleep Studies Program, Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA.

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