Tools & Techniques

Tools & Techniques Diagnostics & prognostics

The Big Freeze

| Olivia Gaskill

A new cryobioprinting strategy could maximize the shelf life of bioprinted 3D tissue

Tools & Techniques Diagnostics & prognostics

A (Consistently) Bright Future

| Matt Sergent

Technologies such as automation can help bring laboratory cytogenetics techniques into the future

Tools & Techniques Analytical science

Talkin’ ‘Bout a (Protein) Revolution

Albert Heck believes native MS will help rewrite the textbooks on immunology, and increase our knowledge of our wellness, health, and the planet

Tools & Techniques Diagnostics & prognostics

The Long Game

How does long COVID affect the eyes and can changes be used for diagnosis?

Tools & Techniques Diagnostics & prognostics

A Spatial Biology Startup Guide – Part 2

| Michael S. Nelson, Shawn Jensen, Lau Mai Chan, Michael Surace, Trevor McKee, Joe Yeong, Colt Egelston

The top 20 questions for ensuring preanalytical quality control

Tools & Techniques Diagnostics & prognostics

A Spatial Biology Startup Guide – Part 1

| Michael Surace, Houssein A. Sater, Carlos Andrea, Jeffrey Chun Tatt Lim, Carmen Ballesteros-Merino, Jaime Rodriguez Canales, Joe Yeong

The top 20 questions for ensuring preanalytical quality control

Tools & Techniques Cancer

The Rise of MALDI

| Mike Easterling

How MALDI imaging can take pathology labs to the next level

Tools & Techniques Analytical science

The Cortex-Characterizing Consortium

| James Strachan

Findings from 17 studies show that the primary motor cortex has up to 116 different types of cells

Tools & Techniques Analytical science

Breath Analysis with a (Very) Fine Toothed Comb

| James Strachan

JILA scientists improve the sensitivity of their frequency comb breathalyzer to disease biomarkers by a thousandfold

Tools & Techniques Diagnostics & prognostics

Admiring the Cellular Landscape

A stunning 3D rendering of a eukaryotic cell, made from X-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance, and cryo-electron microscopy datasets

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